Export of green listed waste is not notifiable but is covered by requirements in article 18 of the EU Waste Shipment Regulation. 

The EU has made guidelines for shipments of green listed waste. 

Classifying the waste 

As an exporter, you need to have certain information about the waste, such as: 

  • origin of the waste  
  • whether anything in the handling of the waste has led to it containing pollutants 
  • correct Basel codes
  • correct codes based on the European List of Waste 
  • whether it is contaminated to such an extent that recovery is difficult to complete  

Recipient country regulations 

As an exporter, it is your responsibility to ensure that the export of green listed waste is aligned with requirements and regulations applicable in the country of destination. Certain countries may have different requirements for control procedures. Waste that is classified a green listed waste in Norway, must also have approval from relevant authorities if the country of destination requires it. 

When exporting green listed plastic waste, there are contamination thresholds that must be followed. These may differ from country to country, and it is your responsibility to make sure the plastic waste meets the requirements set by the country of destination. 

Be aware that certain green listed wastes could be prohibited or have strict control procedures in non-OECD countries. 

Setting up a contract with the recipient 

You must have a contract with the importer before exporting green listed waste. The contract should be valid from the first shipment until the recovery of the waste is completed. 

The EU provides an example template for such a contract in their Correspondents' Guidelines. 

Annex VII

You must complete the Annex VII form, which shall follow the shipment until its destination. 

You can download Annex VII and complete it digitally. 

Guidance for how to complete the form can be found in the EU Correspondents Guidelines No 10, appendix 1 point III. 

Export declaration

Any waste being transported out of the country must be declared in the Norwegian Customs’ electronic system for exchanging custom declarations (TVINN). 

For green listed waste, state the reference code U3 followed by the relevant European waste code (EWC) in box 44 of the export declaration: “U3  xxxxxx”.